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Terms of cleaning and complaints Rules

Dear customers, we kindly ask you to carefully read the conditions for cleaning. Daja Dry Cleaners faces ever greater challenges in its field every year. Work becomes more complicated thanks to ever newer textiles and combinations. This represents several problems in care for clothing and textiles. In order to keep pace, we face constant resolution of challenges to preserve the perfection of clothing. Everything is important, be this a small family historical piece, or expensive luxury gown. The dry cleaners Daja tries to save every item for its customers.

Hidden defects, damage and emphasised wear and tear of leather clothing

The product is made from natural hide and is made naturally without surface treatment or semi-aniline treatment. These products are usually made from calf’s hide with non-standard treatment in the leather factory. Changes occur in the hide over the course of use due to the influences of the weather, light, different temperatures and dirt content in the air. The qualitative properties of hide partially change (feel and appearance). This change exhibits itself after cleaning. With most products, the colour differences are emphasised on individual parts of the product (individual parts usually darken unevenly) and the feel changes – the hide is somewhat stiffer in areas directly exposed to the weather – more compact compared to partially covered areas such as under the collar, in the folds of the waist tucks and similar. This is a change which is given by the quality of hide processing in the leather factory.

After cleaning has been performed the qualitative characteristics of the hide are emphasised and also possibly the quality or type of leather processing. The changes which have occurred cannot be influenced by selection of the technological procedure for cleaning, On the contrary, they could be emphasised, which negatively influences the appearance of the product.

We perform cleaning of products from hide with technology designed for processing of delicate natural material. After cleaning has been performed, we perform final treatment according to the type of hide used in order to preserve the appearance, functional and qualitative properties of the item of clothing. This concerns the natural properties of natural material which your job order is made from.

In accordance with Section 2594 Civil Code, the dry cleaners would like to point out to the customer that natural hide has its own natural properties and defects in the quality of the hide used (unsuitable glue, permanency of dying, quality of tanning and dying), which cannot be influenced by cleaning, the dry cleaners shall not be liable for any possible defects incurred to your job order due to natural properties and defects (stipulated below), and unsuitable instructions of the client. We inform you of these facts and ask for statement by you (your signature on the job order) whether you wish your order to be cleaned subject to this condition.

After dry-cleaning, hidden defects exhibit themselves and wear and tear is emphasised on clothing made from smooth and velour hide (leather). The different quality of individual parts is emphasised – leather clothing is usually made from several hides.

  • natural defects become evident (scars, scratches and similar) as well as repairs and modifications when sewing
  • exposed places become lighter (collar, sleeves etc), these may in fact get darker after treatment in the case of certain hides
  • possibility of colour migration – staining of multicoloured parts onto others and the lining
  • staining of dark colours onto light linings and vice versa
  • lightening of colour shades – depth achieved by treatment
  • different colouring – bleaching cannot be completely unified by means of additional dying, is often emphasised
  • coloured, light patches may colour due to colour migration or change colouring and print
  • different coloured parts – unified shade during off-the-peg treatment treated with unsuitable dye
  • treatment of leather by transfer (printing) of a design may change or partially remove the colour pattern
  • sewing of a product with a strip of hide may be damaged, short glued parts of a stripe may come unstuck and wash away
  • change in size – stretched parts of hide during tanning– ill-matched parts, emphasised on the product
  • damaged hair side of the hide – worn, scratched etc. – emphasised and cannot be completely restored
  • split leather – lower type of clothing leather – lower material strength, extensive damage anticipated
  • artificially created grain – polyurethane treatment, creases and cracks, cannot be removed completely, dye
  • unsuitable glue used when sewing becomes visible after cleaning, glue stains cannot be removed
  • high level of soiling – cannot be completely cleaned, removed without damage to the appearance (colour change)
  • level of soiling of lining, mechanical damage, wear and tear etc. cannot be completely cleaned, restored
  • worn patches with no velour hairs, shiny – cannot be completely restored
  • damaged, frayed, ripped and similar places increase in size when cleaned
  • the essential mechanical movement during cleaning may lead to movement, bunching of tailoring preparation
  • damage to non-textile parts of clothing (buttons, fasteners etc., breakage, chipping and similar.
  • stains cannot be separately removed – some older stains cannot be removed
  • light grey, grey, green, blue velour darkens with use – dark shades are emphasised – cannot be returned to the original shade
  • some light shades darken, the deepness of shades is emphasised – this is more marked in the case of velour leathers
  • artificial leather – possibility of cracking, peeling according to type, hardening
  • leather artificially made from hide material – creases on the surface cannot be dyed, removed
  • fur hairs (fox, arctic fox, rabbit, sheepskin) yellow with use – emphasised with cleaning
  • damage to or ageing of furs – cannot be removed – ageing of fur, emphasised by cleaning
  • moulting of fur hairs – possibility of biological attack, aging of fur due to unsuitable storage
  • matted fur hair – unsuitable storage, attack by pests and similar – cannot be restored
  • product is not marked in accordance with the act on consumer protection, possibility of damage, use of ill-matched material anticipated
  • we do not assume liability for clothing with no labels (cleaning and ironing symbols)

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