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Terms of cleaning and complaints Rules

Dear customers, we kindly ask you to carefully read the conditions for cleaning. Daja Dry Cleaners faces ever greater challenges in its field every year. Work becomes more complicated thanks to ever newer textiles and combinations. This represents several problems in care for clothing and textiles. In order to keep pace, we face constant resolution of challenges to preserve the perfection of clothing. Everything is important, be this a small family historical piece, or expensive luxury gown. The dry cleaners Daja tries to save every item for its customers.

Terms of maintenance contract

(dry or wet cleaning) agreed between the provider (dry cleaner) and the client (customer)

In accordance with § 2594 of the Act no. 89/2012 Coll. dry cleaner draws customer’s attention to inappropriate nature of the garment which was passed on to be dry/ wet cleaned (unsuitability or lack of command to dry/ wet cleaning). This may result in a fact that after performing the services the garment will show specific signs caused by different quality of material composition, labeling or wear. For this reason the dry cleaner ca not guarantee flawless provision of services due to technical and operational conditions.

Because the customer insists on provision of the services no rights will arise from defective work caused by unsuitability of the garment or by an order on the passed garment. Customer confirms that she understands all information and warnings with respect to the possibility of damage of the garment by the dry cleaner’s employees and she insists on the provision of services.

Order no:Type of garment:Date:
Description of the damage:
Provider’s signature (dry cleaner):Client’s signature (customer):

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